Current Objects of Bliss...
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
And here are my 5 favorite things for blissful living this week:
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Tea & Talk: Personal Trainer Lory
Monday, October 29, 2012
My little chat with the gorgeous Lory - my dear friend and kick-ass drill instructor - is the first of my new interview series where I meet up with people who inspire me to live a healthy, balanced and blissful life.
With a background in the fast and merciless fashion industry, Lory soon realized her true passion came to life when she was competing in ultra endurance races across the mountains of Hong Kong. So she traded handbags for backpacks and is now happily torturing her clients with burpees and cruel ab exercises. But they are oh so effective! Being very knowledgable about nutrition and healthy weight-loss, she also convinced me to go Paleo. I still remember when we were casually talking about our breakfast habits: I was gushing over my daily Viennese brekkie (coffee with toast, butter and jam) when Lory suddenly turned very serious and said: "This is not really healthy you know". Well, a in-depth talk about health, nutrition and exercise followed which left me inspired to change my eating habits.
Last week we met for a quick cuppa tea to talk more about her favorite healthy stuff:
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With a background in the fast and merciless fashion industry, Lory soon realized her true passion came to life when she was competing in ultra endurance races across the mountains of Hong Kong. So she traded handbags for backpacks and is now happily torturing her clients with burpees and cruel ab exercises. But they are oh so effective! Being very knowledgable about nutrition and healthy weight-loss, she also convinced me to go Paleo. I still remember when we were casually talking about our breakfast habits: I was gushing over my daily Viennese brekkie (coffee with toast, butter and jam) when Lory suddenly turned very serious and said: "This is not really healthy you know". Well, a in-depth talk about health, nutrition and exercise followed which left me inspired to change my eating habits.
Last week we met for a quick cuppa tea to talk more about her favorite healthy stuff:
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personal training,
tea and talk
My first blog award!
Friday, October 26, 2012
Well, for today I had planned to do a DIY post but – sorry to disappoint you – this is not happening for the following 2 reasons:
- When checking my aromatherapy utensils this morning I realized I had run out of coconut oil. I’m serious, that’s not an excuse! Obviously, the time has come to start buying 1L bottles instead of 500ml ones. My aromatherapy teacher will be so proud!
- While eating my breakfast this morning, I got a tweet from the lovely Miranti from Pen & Peplum saying she nominated my little blog for the Liebster Award. Again, I’m serious; I’m not suffering from delusion!
So, according to the rules of the Liebster Award, I need to write a post answering 11
Current objects of bliss...
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
So, I thought it would be a nice idea to share my current "objects of bliss" with you. Things that I love - some I own and some I wish I would - things that I find inspiring and things that simply give me joy:
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cacao powder,
coconut oil,
run short,
yoga mat,
Yoga home practice: From procrastinator to addict
Monday, October 22, 2012
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Photo credit: Yogaglo |
Sounds familiar?
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home practice,
Kathryn Budig,
Foot Soak Indulgence: 3 easy recipes
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
essential oils,
foot bath,
foot soak,
home spa,
sugar scrub,
My Sunday: 108 Sun Salutations for Charity and a beautiful sunset
Monday, October 15, 2012
Wer hätte gedacht, dass ich jemals 108 Sonnengrüße in einem Stück vollbringe? Freiwillig sicher nicht, aber für einen guten Zweck gerne: "Off the Mat, into the World" und Organisatorin Vennes Cheng luden zum Charity Yogathon Event, dessen Einnahmen Opfern sowie Überlebenden von Zwangsprostitution in Indien und auf der ganzen Welt zugute kommen.
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DIY: My top remedy for neck & shoulder pain
Friday, October 12, 2012
Today is world arthritis day. Around this time last year, my doctor told me the shocking news that I - having just turned 31 - was suffering from early stage cervical osteoarthritis. At first I thought she had mixed up my X-rays. I mean seriously - arthritis is what old people have, like 60+ year olds or my grandma, right?
But then it suddenly kind of made sense to me: this ongoing neck and shoulder pain, occasionally spreading out to my chest, stiffness of joints especially in the mornings - there had to be an underlying cause for these symptoms. One night, I could barely lift my left arm, I was crying because the pain was so excruciating. It was this incident that forced me to do a checkup.
"It will only get worse if you don't start doing something about it immediately!", my doctor warned me. So, how to prevent my neck and shoulder pain from becoming worse?
home spa,
neck and shoulder pain,
Ich bin ein Streber // I'm a geek...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
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Blogger Glück // Blogger Bliss
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
...ein relativ unbedeutendes Ereignis im Blogger-Universum, aber ein großer Schritt für mich: mein geheimer Traum vom eigenen, kleinen Blog wird Wirklichkeit. Lange geplant, oft verworfen aber nie vergessen war die Idee, meine Interessen & Entdeckungen in einem Online-Journal zu sammeln und mit Freunden sowie weiteren Wellness-Fans zu teilen. Ich habe ja das große Glück, in einer Stadt zu leben, wo sich asiatische und westliche Heilmethoden treffen, sogar teilweise ergänzen. Mein Blog ist daher mein kleiner Reisebegleiter auf meinem Weg zu einem Leben voll Wohlbefinden, Ausgeglichenheit, Glück und vielen Massagen und Verwöhnprogrammen! Ich bin ein Spa-Junkie :)
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well being,